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​In SCI Journals:


  1. Madejón, P; Fernández-Boy, E; Morales-Salmerón, L; Navarro-Fernández, Carmen M. Madejón, E; Domínguez, MT.  2023. Could conservation tillage increase the resistance to drought in Mediterranean faba bean crops? Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 49: 108449. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2023.108449

  2. San-Emeterio, L, Jiménez-Morillo, NT, Pérez-Ramos IM, Domínguez  MT, González-Pérez JA. 2023. Changes in soil organic matter molecular structure after five-years mimicking climate change scenarios in a Mediterranean savannah. Science of the Total Environment 857:159288. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.159288

  3. Madejón, P, Domínguez MT, Girón I, Burgos P, López-Fernández MT, García-Porras O, Madejón E. 2022. Assessment of the phytoremediation effectiveness in the restoration of uranium mine tailings. Ecological Engineering 180, 106669.

  4. Matías L, Hidalgo-Galvez MD, Cambrollé J, Domínguez MT, Pérez-Ramos IM. 2021. How will forecasted warming and drought affect soil respiration in savannah ecosystems? The role of tree canopy and grazing legacy. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 304–305, 108425. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108425.

  5. Gil-Martínez M, López-García A, Domínguez MT, Kjøllern R, Navarro-Fernández CM. Rosendahl S, Marañón T. 2021. Soil fungal diversity and functionality are driven by plant species used in phytoremediation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 153, pp. 108102, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.108102.

  6. Panettieri M., de Sosa LL, Domínguez MT, Madejón E. 2020. Long-term impacts of conservation tillage on Mediterranean agricultural soils: shifts in microbial communities despite limited effects on chemical properties. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 304: 107144, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.agee.2020.10714.

  7. Domínguez MT, Panettieri M, Madejón E, Madejón P. 2020. Thistle crops in marginal lands after compost addition: Plant biomass and effect on soil physical, chemical and biological properties. Land Degradation and Development 31 – 9: 1167 – 1175, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3510.

  8. Gil-Martínez M, Navarro-Fernández CM, Murillo JM, Domínguez MT, Marañón T. 2020.Trace elements and C and N isotope composition in fruiting bodies of ectomycorrhizal Laccaria laccata and saprophytic Volvopluteus gloiocephalus fungi. Scientific Reports: 10:6434.

  9. Marañón T, Navarro-Fernández CM, Gil-Martínez M, Domínguez MT, Madejón P, Villar R. 2020. Variation in morphological and chemical traits of Mediterranean tree roots: linkage with leaf traits and soil conditions. Plant & Soil. DOI: 10.1007/s11104-020-04485-5.

  10. Domínguez MT, Panettieri M, Madejón P, Madejón E. 2020. Thistle crops in marginal lands after compost addition: Plant biomass and effect on soil physical, chemical and biological properties. Land Degradation and Development

  11. Madejón P, Domínguez MT, Fernández-Boy E, Paneque P, Girón I, Madejón E. 2019. Soil hydraulic properties as the main driver in the establishment of biomass crops in contaminated soils. Journal of Environmental Management 233: 812–822

  12. Gil-Martínez M, López-García A, Domínguez MT, Navarro-Fernández CM, Kjøller R, Tibett M, Marañón T. 2018. Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities and their functional traits mediate plant–soil interactions in trace element contaminated soils. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 20, DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01682

  13. López-García A, Gil-Martínez M, Navarro-Fernández, CM, Koller R, Azcón-Aguilar C, Domínguez MT, Marañón T. 2018. Functional diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities is reduced by trace element contamination. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 121: 202-211.

  14. Madejón P, Domínguez MT, Gil-Martinez M, Navarro-Fernandez CM, Montiel-Rozas MM, Madejón E, Murillo JM, Cabrera F, Marañón T. 2018. Evaluation of amendment addition and tree planting as measures to remediate contaminated soils: The Guadiamar case study (SW Spain). Catena. 166: 34-43.

  15. Montiel-Rozas MM*, Domínguez MT*, Madejón E, Madejón P. 2018. Long-term effects of organic amendments on bacterial and fungal communities in a degraded Mediterranean soil. Geoderma 332: 20-28 (*equal contribution).

  16. Andresen L, Domínguez  MT, Reinsch, S, Smith, A, Schmidt, IK, Ambus, P, Beier, C, Boeckx, P, Bol, R, de Dato, G, Emmett, BA, Estiarte, M, Garnett, MK, Kröel-Dulay, G, Mason, S, Nielsen, CS, Tietema, A. 2018. Isotopic methods for non-destructive assessment of carbon dynamics in shrublands under long-term climate change manipulation. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2018. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12963.

  17. Madejón P, Domínguez MT, Madejón E, Cabrera F, Marañón T, Murillo JM. 2018. Soil-plant relationships and contamination by trace elements: A review of twenty years of experimentation and monitoring after the Aznalcóllar (SW Spain) mine accident. Science of the Total Environment 65: 50-63.

  18. Madejón P, Marañón T, Navarro-Fernández CM, Domínguez MT, Alegre JM, Robinson BH, Murillo JM. 2017. Potential of Eucalyptus camaldulensis for phytostabilization and biomonitoring of trace-element contaminated soils. PloS One 12 (6) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0180240.

  19. Domínguez MT, Madejón P, Madejón E, Díaz MJ. 2017. Novel energy crops for Mediterranean contaminated lands: Valorization of Dittrichia viscosa and Silybum marianum biomass by pyrolysis. Chemosphere. 186: 968-976.

  20. Domínguez MT, Montiel-Rozas MM, Madejón P, Diaz MJ, Madejón E. 2017. The potential of native species as bioenergy crops on trace-element contaminated Mediterranean lands. Science of the Total Environment 590–591: 29–39.

  21. Domínguez MT, Holthof E, Smith AR, Koller E, Emmett BA. 2017. Contrasting response of summer soil respiration and enzyme activities to long-term warming and drought in a wet shrubland (NE Wales, UK). Applied Soil Ecology 110: 151–155.

  22. Domínguez MT, Smith AR, Reinsch S, Emmett BA. 2017. Inter-annual variability of soil respiration in wet shrublands: do plants modulate its sensitivity to climate? Ecosystems Volume 20: 796-812.

  23. Domínguez MT, Gutiérrez E, González-Domínguez B, Román M, Ávila JM, Ramo C, González JM, García LV. 2017. Impacts of protected colonial birds on soil microbial communities: When protection leads to degradation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 105: 59–70. (IF: 4.92, Q1 Soil Sciences, 1er decil, Citas: 5)*.

  24. Domínguez MT, Madejón E, López-Garrido, R., Marañón T, Murillo JM. 2016. Shrubs for the remediation of contaminated Mediterranean areas: is the nurse effect mediated by increases in microbial activity? Ecological Engineering 97: 577–581.

  25. Robinson DA, Jones SB, Lebron I, Reinsch S, Domínguez MT, Smith AR, Jones DL, VanBaarsel S, Marshall MR, Emmett BA. 2016. Experimental evidence for drought induced alternative stable states of soil moisture. Nature Scientific Reports 6: 20018

  26. Madejón P, Domínguez MT, Díaz MJ, Madejón E. 2016. Improving sustainability in the remediation of contaminated soils by the use of compost and energy valorization by Paulownia fortunei. Science of the Total Environment 539: 401–9.

  27. Domínguez MT, Alegre JM, Madejón P, Madejón E, Burgos P, Cabrera F, Marañón T, Murillo JM. 2016. River banks and channels as hotspots of soil pollution after large-scale remediation of a river basin. Geoderma 261: 133–40

  28. Marañón T, Navarro-Fernández C, Domínguez MT, Madejón P, Murillo JM. How the soil chemical composition is affected by seven tree species planted in a contaminated and remediated site. 2015. Web Ecology 15: 45-48

  29. Domínguez MT, Pérez-Ramos IM, Murillo JM, Marañón T. 2015. Facilitating the afforestation of Mediterranean polluted soils by nurse shrubs. Journal of Environmental Management 161: 276–86 .

  30. Domínguez MT, Sowerby A, Smith A, Robinson D, Van Baarsel S, Mills RE, Marshall M, Koller E, Lebron I, Hall J, Emmett B. 2015. Sustained impact of drought on wet shrublands mediated by soil physical changes. Biogeochemistry 122: 151–63

  31. Domínguez MT, Aponte, C, Pérez-Ramos IM, García LV, Villar R, Marañón T. 2012. Relationships between leaf morphological traits, nutrient concentrations and isotopic signatures for Mediterranean woody plant species and communities. Plant and Soil 357: 407-424 (IF: 2.64, Q1 Soil Sciences, 45 citas).

  32. Madejón P, Domínguez MT, Murillo JM. 2012. Pasture composition in a trace element-contaminated area: the particular case of Fe and Cd for grazing horses. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 184: 2031-2043.

  33. Domínguez MT, Marañón T, Murillo JM, Redondo-Gómez S. 2011. Response of Holm oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota) and mastic shrub (Pistacia lentiscus L.) seedlings to high concentrations of Cd and Tl in the rhizosphere. Chemosphere 83: 1166-1174

  34. García LV, Ramo C, Aponte C, Moreno A, Domínguez MT, Gómez-Aparicio L., Redondo R, Marañón T. 2011. Protected wading bird species threaten relict centennial cork oaks in a Mediterranean Biosphere Reserve: a conservation management conflict. Biological Conservation 144: 764–771

  35. Domínguez MT, Marañón T, Murillo JM, Schulin R, Robinson BH. 2010. Nutritional status of Mediterranean trees growing in a contaminated and remediated Area. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 205: 305-321.

  36. Madejón P, Domínguez MT, Murillo JM. 2010. Seasonal and temporal evolution of nutrient composition of pastures grown on remediated and non-remediated soils affected by trace element contamination (Guadiamar Valley, SW Spain). 2010. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 8: 729-740.

  37. Domínguez MT, Madejón P, Marañón T, Murillo JM. 2010. Afforestation of a trace-element polluted area in SW Spain: woody plant performance and trace element accumulation. European Journal of Forest Research 129: 47-59.

  38. Domínguez MT, Madrid F, Marañón T, Murillo JM. 2009. Cadmium availability in soils and retention in oak roots: potential for phytostabilisation. Chemosphere 76: 480–486.

  39. Madejón P, Domínguez MT, Murillo JM. 2009. Evaluation of pastures for horses grazing on soils polluted by trace element. Ecotoxicology 18: 417–428.

  40. Domínguez MT, Marañón T, Murillo JM, Schulin R, Robinson BH. 2008. Trace element accumulation in woody plants of the Guadiamar Valley, SW Spain: a large-scale phytomanagement case study. Environmental Pollution 152: 50-59.


Divulgation papers


  1. Marañón T, Aponte C, Pérez-Ramos IM, Ibañez B, Domínguez MT, García LV, Gómez-Aparicio L. 2012. Interacciones árbol-suelo y funcionamiento del bosque mediterráneo: síntesis del Proyecto INTERBOS. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales, 35: 81-89.

  2. Domínguez MT. 2012. La restauración ecológica de zonas contaminadas por la minería: el ejemplo del Corredor Verde del Guadiamar. Chronica naturae, 2: 15-24.

  3. Domínguez MT. 2010. Elementos traza en el sistema planta-suelo: implicaciones para la ecología de especies leñosas mediterráneas y la restauración de zonas contaminadas. Ecosistemas 19 (1): 92-96.

  4. Rodríguez A, Marañón T, Domínguez MT, Murillo JM, Jordano D, Fernández-Haeger J, Carrascal F. 2009. Reforestación con arbustos para favorecer la conectividad ecológica en el Corredor Verde del Guadiamar. V Congreso Forestal Español. Montes y Sociedad: Saber qué hacer.

  5. Domínguez MT, Marañón T, Murillo JM. 2009. Encinas para recuperar suelos con cadmio. Andalucía Innova 27: 38-39.

  6. Domínguez MT, Madrid F, Marañón T, Murillo JM. 2008. Factores que condicionan la disponibilidad de elementos traza en las repoblaciones forestales de la cuenca del Guadiamar. (Sevilla). Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales 25: 167-172.

  7. Domínguez MT, Marañón T, Murillo JM, Hidalgo JA, Madejón P. 2005. Crecimiento y morfología foliar de especies leñosas en las reforestaciones del Corredor Verde del Guadiamar (Sevilla). Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales 20: 173-179.

  8. Pérez-Ramos IM, Domínguez MT, Marañón T. 2004 Depredación de semillas de alcornoque (Quercus suber) y quejigo (Q. canariensis): una aproximación experimental. Revista de la Sociedad Gaditana de Historia Natural 4: 175-180.


Book chapters


  1. Marañón, Teodoro; Pérez-Ramos, Ignacio M.; Villar, Rafael; Acácio, Vanda; Aranda, Ismael; Camarero, J. Julio; de la Riva, Enrique G.; Domínguez, María T.; Fernández-Rebollo, Pilar; Quero, José L.; Ramírez-Valiente, José A. ; Rodríguez-Calcerrada, Jesús; Valbuena-Carabaña, María. 2020. Iberian Oaks Coping with Global Change: Ecological Processes and Management Strategies. In: Steffensen, B. T. (Ed.) Quercus: Classification, Ecology and Uses, Nova Publisher, pp: 1-84.

  2. Domínguez MT, Murillo JM, Madejón P, Rodríguez A, Marañón T. 2013. Diversidad funcional de especies leñosas y restauración de zonas mineras: el ejemplo de la cuenca del río Guadiamar. En: Fundación Ciudad de la Energía (Ed.) Restauración ecológica en minería: de la teoría a la práctica. ISBN: 8461630580.

  3. Pérez-de-Mora A, Madejón E, Burgos P, Madejón P, Domínguez MT, Madrid F, Marañón T, Murillo JM, Cabrera F. Accumulation, Transfer and Remediation of Cd in Soils Affected by the Aznalcóllar Mine Spill (SW Spain): A Decade of Experience (1998-2008). En: Parvau RG (Ed.) Cadmium in the Environment. Nova Publishers, pp. 367-388. ISBN: 978-3-0348-7240-9.

  4. Domínguez MT, Marañón T, Murillo JM, Madejón P. 2008. Relaciones suelo-planta en el Corredor Verde del Guadiamar: efectos ecológicos de los elementos traza del suelo. En Montes, C (Eds.) Seguimiento Ecorregional del Corredor Verde del Guadiamar. La evolución de un ecosistema emergente. Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla, pp 307-320. ISBN: 978-84-96776-05-0.

  5. Cabrera F, Murillo JM, Madejón P, Domínguez MT, Burgos P, Madejón E, Marañón T, Pérez de Mora A, Cordón R, Moreno F, Girón IF. 2008. Los suelos del Guadiamar: contaminación por elementos traza tras el accidente minero de Aznalcóllar. En Montes, C (Eds.) Seguimiento Ecorregional del Corredor Verde del Guadiamar. La evolución de un ecosistema emergente. Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla. ISBN: 978-84-96776-05-0.

  6. Domínguez MT, Marañón T, Murillo JM. 2007. Elementos traza en plantas espontáneas y reforestadas del Corredor Verde del Guadiamar ocho años después del accidente minero de Aznalcóllar. En: Bellifante N, Jordán A (Eds.) Tendencias Actuales de la Ciencia del Suelo, pp 169-176. ISBN 978-84-690-4129-1

  7. Murillo JM, Marañón T, Madejón P, Domínguez MT. 2006. Patrones de acumulación de elementos traza en plantas superiores: implicaciones para la red trófica. En: Gallardo-Lancho JF (Ed.) Medioambiente en Iberoamérica. Visión desde la Física y la Química en los albores del siglo XXI. Sociedad Iberoamericana de Física y Química Ambiental, pp 573-581. ISBN: 978-84-611-0352-2.

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